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Forum Alternative Reality

The FAR is somewhat close to a council. A pool of visionaries who imagine alternative futures of Deep Economy. This diverse community is the guiding force behind Rehearsing the Revolution.

Brian Fitzgerald

Brian Fitzgerald

Chief Story Hacker Dancing Fox

 I’ve been a clicktivist and riskivist, and my activist resume includes delaying a nuclear weapons test detonation by camping out near ground zero in the Nevada desert with four colleagues, hanging a banner on the Statue of Liberty, and flying a hot air balloon over a military installation. Teams Tommy and I lead and strategies we shaped have moved entire industries, governments, and sectors to more sustainable behaviours. I believe in the power of people to change the world because I’ve witnessed it, again and again. And I believe the builders of the future we all want are already at work, today. If you’re one of them, we want to help tell your story.

one person can change, even save your live

Bright Richards

Bright Richards

Founder Dutch Connection

“When I was on the verge of being randomly executed by a rebel in my home country Liberia, his Kalashnikov already pointed at me, there was a man who recognised me as a television star and he begged him to let me go. This man took a great risk in pleading for me. I don’t know who he was, but I owe him my life. So I know from experience that it only takes one person to totally change, even save, your life.”

Firoez Azarhoosh

Firoez Azarhoosh

Voormalig vluchteling en de initiator en coördinator van meerdere burger- en bewonersinitiatieven in Amsterdam Oost. Firoez werkt met o.a. Budget monitoring, Buurt Currency – Makkie, Samen Vooruit en Leefbaar Oost. 

“Ik zoekt oplossing van maatschappelijke en organisatieproblemen in de wisselwerking en communicatie tussen mensen. Het is de interactie tussen mensen die aan de basis staat van gemeenschapvorming en organisatie en stedelijke ontwikkeling. In de afgelopen 12 jaren heb ik me kunnen specialiseren in Community Development en stedelijke ontwikkeling.” 


meer in een ecologische samenleving leven

Natasha Hulst

Natasha Hulst

My vision (and to-do list) for the next decade: 1) reclaim the commons, redefine ownership and use of land and natural resources, 2) Strengthen the ReGeneration through biomimicry and ecological restoration 3) Achieve carbon Drawdown using existing solutions. All doughnut proof!  

als iemand a roept, dan roep ik B. 

ik geloof niet dat anderen het beter weten

ik geloof niet in revolutie maar in evolutie

ik heb in de gevangenis gezeten. 

Martijn Hutink

Martijn Hutink

Beeldend kunstenaar/ docent stedebouw-planologie/ filosoof/ architect. Als kunstenaar gedeeltelijk autodidact, probeert hij het conceptuele en procesmatige uit de architectuur te combineren met de beeldende kracht van kunst.

the next big thing is a lot of small things. small is beautiful

ik geloof in kleine stapjes, meer in de gemeenschap

Arun Swami Persaud

Arun Swami Persaud

Arun SwamiPersaud has extensive experience in the field of marketing strategy, new business development, organizational change, and innovation management. Primarily in the field of new business development and implementing new growth strategies.

Specialties: business model innovation, growth strategy, innovation management, new business development 

Ik heb nog stenen gegooid naar bouterse


Ik wil naar een plek van happy places, geluk van individu en samenleving. 

werken aan happynomics
condities creeren waar dingen in kunnen bloeien. 

het beste is om te rebelLeren binnen de marges