If we can’t break through the spell in reality, we should try to break free through fiction.
Let’s imagine a fantasy world (any resemblance with reality is a coincidence),
It can be on another planet, in another dimension or in the future.
In this world 2% of the inhabitants…
They can be humans, animals, plants, robots, any kind of creatures, sentient beings or entities with an intelligent consciousness…It’s up to you.
This 2% of inhabitants is on the verge of extinction.
We don’t know why these species are not fit for the times. We hope you will tell us.
What we do know about them is that they determine the prevailing dominant narrative
of this world. They do that in order to conserve their power and remain the rulers of this world. What is this dominant narrative? How did it become so powerful? The 2 % keeps the 98% with very tricky methods of manipulation under their thumb.
The 98% of the inhabitants are a diverse group of humans, animals, plants, robots, any kind of creatures, sentient beings or entities with an intelligent consciousness…conform to the dominant narrative. They don’t know better. They feel that they are not allowed to question it at all. The 98% have fully lost the ownership of their story and need to find a way to regain it…

The Word
The Word
The Question
The team
The mind
who will organize programs
for the different characters
for the different roles
who will accept challenge
to engage
to achieve the understanding
to make change to the narrative
click click
tsssk tsssk
click click
tsssk tsssk
what life form is at the center
the invisible beauty
of the collective
what life form can navigate your imagination
guide your story to
the surface of reality
There must be incredibly powerful
That makes people not see
the people who try the change the world
Where would western society be without
without the heroes
that form everyday life
how can the majority
be left so uninspired
suppressed into believing
their own story is not possible
The dominant minority
don’t want to play
love only exist for the disconnect
love only exist the silence of the majority
love only exist the conformist
the change maker is amongst you
amongst those who just want to maintain
the impossibility change
cherishing the wish to be the minority
to have the same mindset
to divide and oppress
to divide and oppress
to divide and oppress
How could they have a patented
what it means to be happy
how could they sell us heaven
and we have to buy their dreams
tsssk tsssk
click click
tsssk tsssk
click click
The youngest will notice
that change is about feeling
the common story
everyone has a space in this
the resonance
is present in all
in Iridescent
in the twelve legs
in the one who sees themselves
as the beetle and the father
tsssk tsssk click click
tsssk tsssk click click

Poem by: Jörgen (Unom) Gario | Drawing by: Stella de Kort
The plot is in your hands.
Please finish the story. Write to us, send images, films:
What happens to the characters? Do they manage to create a revolution? Use the comments below or share on Instagram or Facebook with the #rehearsingtherevolution